Consultoria de alto nivel que entragamos a:

Servicios administrados de Infraestructura (Respaldos /Backup)
FONGTEK realizará en conjunto con HPE GreenLake Management Services la entrega del Servicio Administrado de Respaldos propuesto por HPE a FEMSA

HPE – CHEDRAUI – Managed Services
Servicio de Soporte SAP basis L1
Servicio de Monitoreo y Operación 24x7 para procesos batch en el entorno SAP L1 bajo plataforma HPE de Chedraui

La Busines Unit (BU) de Servicios Administrados FONGTEK.
Ha sido creada para responder con eficiencia a los requerimientos de nuestro cliente más importante en lo referente a la provisión de servicios bajo demanda.

Multiples Servicios
SAP | BaaS | Cloud Azure | etc.

HPE – Proyectos Big Data
HPE Data Warehouse – Ezmeral
Proyecto con arquitectura basada en CONTAINERS / (Kubernetes).
Proyecto Big Data usando: Spark, Scala , Hive, HBase, Apache Drill, Airfl y Virtualización.

Break & Fix
On-site hardware break fix repair as part of HPE's Pointnext service portfolio, Hardware support tasks may also include installation of firmware updates for selected products, as well as any “Periodic and Preventive Maintenance” tasks.

Proactive Activities
FONGTEK’s Personnel provides on-going proactive assessments and health checks to maintain the health and optimization of the hardware environment for HPE and eligible MVS products. Proactive tasks include, but are not limited to, Software & Operating System Assistance, Storage High Availability Technical Assessment, On-site data collection, Account Team Meetings, etc.

Install & Deployment
FONGTEK’s Personnel provides installation, start-up, and de-installation services. At a high level, these Services provide for the basic installation or de-installation of HPE branded hardware and software products, as well as eligible multivendor products.

Resident Services
FONGTEK’s engineers will provide onsite resident services for agreed Service Recipient accounts within agreed coverage hours.
Datacenter Hardware Specialist (DHS) is responsible for onsite hardware support activities. The DHS works in Datacenter Care and legacy Mission Critical environments to perform critical on-site reactive and proactive activities,